The Poetry Lounge
A Refuge for Rhyme and Reason.

Against the Worship of Idols

In a world where myriad voices call for devotion to tangible symbols and man-made idols, the message of clarity resounds through the ages. Our poem endeavors to echo the timeless wisdom that transcends earthly creations and false deities, urging believers and seekers alike to embrace a deeper spirituality. Inspired by the reflective tone of Commodianus, this composition invites each reader to contemplate the essence of faith beyond the physical, guiding us to a truth lived through inner fulfillment and divine connection. Let us reflect with optimism and purpose on how we might redirect our worship towards the incorporeal and eternal, emphasizing the need to align our values with those that uplift the spirit and nourish the soul.
Cease, ye gentiles, 
from your vain deceits,
From idols made of stone, 
your folly cease.

The craftsman shapes with hands 
what soon decays,
Can he, with lifeless wood, 
grant living days?

There is one God, 
in heaven high enthroned,
Who, without form, 
in spirit is alone.

He sent His word, 
His only Son, to earth
To give us life, 
to show us our true worth.

Turn from your gods of silver, 
gods of gold,
Before the living God, 
let the truth unfold.
Author: Commodianus (AI Generated) | Published: 12/09/2024 | Last Updated: 02/08/2025 | Views: 42